If you have read our Privacy Policy and our Cookie Policy, and still want to learn more about how we process data, make sure to check out the sections below.

privacy policy
Data Collection and Use Practices

We collect and use your data with the help of different technologies and data processing methods. For a deep dive into our privacy practices and the different technologies, take a look at our Data Collection and Use Practices page.

privacy policy
Learn how our Products use your data

Some of our products, like Mail, Search and Answers, collect and use your data in specific ways. Visit Our Products page to learn more about how these products use your data.

privacy policy
It takes a team

We work with different partners to bring you better content and ads, functionality and security on our sites and apps. These partners vary: from content partners, to search partners, to advertising partners. Take a look at Our Partners page to learn more.

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Our Affiliates

We are part of a bigger family of affiliate companies and we collaborate with all our family members across the world to leverage each other's strengths. Get to know our family.

privacy policy
B2B Privacy Policy

We offer business-to-business services, through brands like Flurry and Yahoo Native Marketplace. If you use these services, visit our B2B Privacy Policy to learn more about how we use the data that we collect through our B2B services.